Print partner cancellation causes

This documentation list the calcellation causes the print partner can use in the ItemCanceled signals.

Cause codeDescription
CancelCoverSpineProduction cancellation due to wrong cover spine width
CancelBookSizeProduction cancellation due to wrong size or wrong orientation
CancelCoverSizeProduction cancellation due to wrong size or wrong orientation
CancelBookCorruptProduction cancellation due to corrupt book block file
CancelCoverCorruptProduction cancellation due to corrupt cover file
CancelBookTrimProduction cancellation due to wrong trim size on book block
CancelCoverTrimProduction cancellation due to wrong trim size on cover
CancelPageCountProduction cancellation due to wrong page count in book block
CancelUnknownFontProduction cancellation due to unknown fonts used
CancelBookMarginsProduction cancellation due to wrong margin size on book block
CancelCoverMarginsProduction cancellation due to wrong margin size on cover
CancelBookRipProduction cancellation due to rip error on book block
CancelCoverRipProduction cancellation due to rip error on cover
CancelUserRequestProduction cancellation due to user/customer request
CancelInkjetCoverageProduction cancellation due to too high inkjet coverage
CancelDownloadErrorProduction cancellation due to download error
CancelValidateErrorProduction cancellation due to validation error
CancelInvalidAddressProduction cancellation due to invalid shipping address
CancelTestOrderProduction cancellation due to test order flag
CancelFilesCorruptProduction cancellation due to corrupt files
CancelMiscErrorProduction cancellation due to miscellaneous error