Getting started - Print Apps

On this page you will find all the necessary information to get started as a Print Apps partner



Print Apps partners integrate the API into there solution. The clients using the Print Apps partners solution or service will then be able to utilize the world-wide print network provides.

Each client on the Print Apps partner solution will have to signup for a account and will deal directly with for the use of the Cloudprinter service.

For integration and testing the Print Apps partner will be provided a free test account at


For the rest of this document the following definitions will be used.

DefinitionMeaning and its solutions
PartnerThe Print Apps partner and its solution or service
CustomerPrint Apps partners customers

Customer segments

With Print Apps the partner is simply providing the Cloudprinter integration to there customers.

There are three different subscription options currently being offered to customers. Each of them have an direct impact how orders are routed, and pricing and contracts is arranged.

Starter: A number of products based on pre-defined templates for a fixed price worldwide.

Businesses: A number of products based on pre-defined templates for a transparent price (E.q., the price set by the print partner) and a job fee for using the platform.

Enterprise: Pre-defined templates plus the ability to create own templates. Pricing is set and agreed between Customer and Printer and is used as the pure API service.



Cloudprinter provivdes quote on product prices, shipping options and shiping prices through the quote API endpoint. Each quote request returns both product prices and shipping options with pricing are returned. Each quote has its unique hash, whice have to be included in the order.

The data needed for a quote request is less then a normal order request. The product specifications including options and quiantity, so the kind of information normally known in a shipping cart, and the delivery country and state for some countries.

A quote is valid for 48 hours.

The /orders/quote API endpoint is part of CloudApps API. A CloudApps API Interface is needed. It is created automatically when a client account is created. Posts to the CloudApps API is identified by a OAuth2 Bearer Token.



Placing order are done via CloudApps. Orders are passed and all elements of the order is validated directly in the post.

Order are processed by a production service shortly after it is received. A more extensive validation is performed and if successfull a signal "Cloudprinter Registered" signal is generated.

The orders PDF(s) referenced in the order document are downloaded. The download is from one of the IP addresses found here

The /orders/add API endpoint is part of CloudApps API. A CloudApps API Interface is needed. It is created automatically when a client account is created. Posts to the CloudApps API is identified by a OAuth2 Bearer Token.



CloudSignal Webhooks are used to deliver signals from Cloudprinter and the productions back to the partner.

The partner must implement a CloudSignals Webhooks 2.0 compatible RESTFul endpoint for receiving signals.

CloudSignal webhook subscriptions are registere via the CloudApps API

Documentation for CloudSignal integrations are found here:

OAuth2 authentication

For Print Apps use Cloudauth an OAuth2 authentication service and the CloudApps API, which support Bearer Tokens i the header for each request.

Before OAuth2 authentication can be used your app have to be registered with

Documentation on app registration and OAuth2 authentication are found here:

CloudApps API & CloudSignal Webhooks integration

Print Apps used the CloudApps API, which is optimized to app integrations. It supports OAuth2 authentication, where as regular Cloudcore API uses API keys.

Documentation for the CloudApps API is found here:

Subscriptions on CloudSignal webhooks, which delivers signals back to your app, are done via the CloudApps API.

Documentation for CloudSignal integrations are found here:

Go live

When the integration is complete, tested and aproved by Cloudprinter, the integration can go live and the partners service will apear in the Cloudprinter Marketplace and Cloudprinter admin dashboard.